Since my last update I have finished the last issue och the Trädgården paper that is to be seen here:'ve also had two crazy weeks, one i Copenhagen spent on bikes and in Bars with my friend Robert, and one in the archepelago of Stockholm with most of the staff from Trädgården. This has resulted in hundreds of pictures wich will require that I lock myself in for weeks. But it´s summer so I try to spend as mant hours as possible on my skateboard.
Well i don´t like to apologize, or have a reason to. Heres two pictures in the meantime, first one is Jacob having some folköl by his apartment six in the morning after we finished working on Trädgården. The next one is an ad we posted in our magazine for Trädgården, all for free of course. It´s alright, we managed not to end up in debts, but without salary.